
Sunday, October 10, 2010

I haven't forgotten about my little 'ol blog, I lately has been in overdrive and as much as I pray for more hours in the day, God seems to laugh at my request and rightfully so.

This week, I made a few big life choices, and I'm thankful for the new chapter that I'm about to embark on. First, I decided to throw a curve ball back at life and yes, I went brunette...very, very brunette. (Yes, Jenn- I did it!) I have to say that I absolutely love it! I might have the heart and soul of a blonde, but sassing it up as a brunette is extremely fun and very much needed.

I also accepted a new job.  I'm nervous and excited but I know that this is a gift from God. I felt like Goldie Locks this summer, trying to find the right fit. I believe I've found it and I'm so extremely thankful.  Reminding myself that it's not the job that makes the person, but the person that makes the job.  I never thought life would take me to this place, but as I take every day as it comes, I've learned that you truly never know what tomorrow will bring you so stop and enjoy whats going on in this moment.  So, I am!

I'll be back up and running again soon with photos and more updates! 


  1. OMG... you most post a picture! I'm dying... and was teh shout out to me? Am I the only Jenn in your life with two N's???

    I can't wait to hear the 411.

  2. OOOPPPS!! Next time, I should proof read before I post! (I'll just blame it on the wine I'm drinking!)


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