In between flights, layovers, gate changes, pick ups and drop offs, it suddenly turned to a chilly Fall in California. September is almost officially over and another chapter coming to anti-climatic finish. Today I day dreamed about heading home and spending the night building a fort, curling up with a cup of warm soup, a bottle of wine (or two..) and a date with netflix, ignoring the world for just one night, but life has other plans for me tonight.
Better plans? Maybe...just maybe...
Hi, remember me? Yeah...I've been bad. Life's been way too busy for my good. I'm heading off to Canada for the next week doing a TV tour but the last month has been a roller coast of emotions (to say the least..) and this month always proves to be the most difficult. There's an expiration date for a broken heart, right?
Regardless I'm moving forward in the most positive, best way I possibly can. Meeting as many new people as humanly possible, continuing to challenge myself outside of my personal comfort zone and what better way to deal with everything than to stay busy..busy... busy...busy till October rolls around, and fall begins to set in and September becomes another distant memory till next August.
J says it best, in ways that hit so close to the heart that I know I'm not alone, and I never have been. There is a reason, a purpose within the destruction of people's free will- so says many cups of coffee and better yet, cocktails. Even last night, I met a new friend who has gone through the ugly d-word, and sadly a dear friend in Bologna, who was my saving grace that disgusting May, is going through the same thing. Free will's a bitch.
And while majority of my current life moments are happy, amazing and all around wonderful...when the memories of a life past hit, they hit hard and with emotionally deadly force. Yet, we've both completed the first year or the first level in this whole "healing" process, and I can only imagine that it gets better from this point {only staying off facebook as much as possible helps}
Hopefully I can find the time to begin sharing more of those grateful moments and this new life that I've created for myself.